What is the typical treatment when you have Erectile Dysfunction?
There are a variety of methods for treating E.D. Your doctor or nurse can discuss all these options with you in more detail. All decisions regarding your option for treating E.D, should be made between you and your Health Care Professionals, with consideration given to your individual needs and the pros and cons of each treatment option.
What is the typical treatment procedure when you have ED?

Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis
Many different body parts play an essential role for a man to get and maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. Beyond the physical causes that can lead to ED, it has been reported that 20% of ED is related to psychological causes1. With so many possibilities leading to erectile dysfunction, it becomes particularly important to find a specialist who can correctly diagnosis the direct cause of your ED and find a treatment option that is right for you.
Often, a physical exam and a discussion regarding medical history will be enough to diagnose erectile dysfunction and start you on your treatment pathway2, as discussed in the “Causes of ED” page. However, there can be many different underlying reasons that lead to ED, and additional tests may be needed to determine the exact cause.
The choice of investigations depends on the individual circumstances of the patient and could include and is not restrictive to:
- Physical Exam2 – an examination of the testicles and penis while also checking nerves for sensation.
- Laboratory testing – Can help to identify signs of heart disease, diabetes, low testosterone, and other health issues.
- Cardiovascular system investigations
- Doppler Ultra Sound – This test is occasionally conducted by a specialist to determine if there is a lack of blood flow which is preventing you from getting an erection, if there is no underlying cause.
There are many different treatment options for erectile dysfunction, but your diagnosis will determine which treatment option is right for you. It is important to realise that not all treatment options will work for everyone. A doctor or nurse, who has specialised in men’s sexual health (typically a urologist), will be the most qualified to discuss all of your treatment options with you. Many specialists will often encourage you to schedule additional follow up appointments to review how your treatment is working for you or if a different option may be more beneficial.
Take back control. Use our Specialist Finder tool to locate a doctor in your area who can provide information on how to best treat your ED.
1: Khera M, Goldstein I. Erectile dysfunction. BMJ Clin Evid. 2011 Jun 29;2011. pii: 1803. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3217797/ Accessed 30.11.2020
2: Mayo Clinic, Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis and Treatment, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/erectile-dysfunction/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355782 Accessed 30.11.2020