Each question has five possible responses. Circle the number that best describes your own situation. Select only one answer for each question.
Information for clinicians
Your Score:
Add together the numbers corresponding to the answers for all the questions. If the patient’s score is 21 or less, erectile dysfunction (ED) should be addressed. The SHIM score measures the severity of the patient’s ED in the following manner:
22–25: No significant erectile dysfunction
17–21: Mild erectile dysfunction
12–16: Mild-to-moderate erectile dysfunction
8–11: Moderate erectile dysfunction
5–7: Severe erectile dysfunction
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The purpose of SHIM
Accurate ED diagnosis is crucial as there are many well-established and effective treatments and ED is often indicative of other diseases
The SHIM questionnaire (also known as IIEF-5) is an abridged and slightly modified five-item version of the 15-item International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), designed for easy use by clinicians to diagnose the presence & severity of ED in clinical settings
This diagnostic tool may reduce the number of incorrectly diagnosed or underdiagnosed cases
It is intended to complement the physical examination and patient history as a means of detecting ED
Adapted from:
Rosen RC, Cappelleri JC, Smith MD, Lipsky J, Peña BM
Development of an abridged, 5-item version of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) as a diagnostic tool for erectile dysfunction Int J Impot Res (1999); 11; 319 – 326