Reasons to consider a penile implant

How does the Titan implant work?
When you squeeze the pump in the scrotum, fluid moves from the reservoir into the cylinders in the shaft of the penis, creating an erection. When you press the deflate button on the pump in the scrotum, the fluid moves out of the penis and back into reservoir for a natural looking flaccid state.
Why does the Bioflex® material make a difference?
The Titan Inflatable Penile Implant is made of the exclusive Bioflex® material, which gives the cylinders enhanced durability, rigidity and girth compared to competitive penile implants.
More durable than competitor penile implants, the Titan penile implant may enhance penetrative performance in a variety of sexual positions so patients can feel uninhibited and more confident.
With more girth than competitor penile implants36 , the maximised girth of the Titan implant may lead to increased partner stimulation and satisfaction.
With more rigidity than competitor penile implants, the increased rigidity may enhance penetrative performance during sexual intercourse with your partner.
What are malleable penile implants?
The Genesis® malleable penile implant consists of two firm but flexible rods that are placed into the shaft of the penis.
There are no other parts to this implant. To have an erection, you simply hold the penis and move it into the desired position.
When you are finished, you bend it back down to conceal it. The malleable penile implant can be a good option for men with limited dexterity.
Both the Titan® and Genesis® penile implants
are totally concealed in the body and give a
man with ED the ability to have an erection –
instantly, whenever the time is right, for
however long he and his partner want.
It helps put the man back in control
and back to a normal life.
Speak with a doctor to determine if a penile implant is right for you.
Genesis implant features:
- Easy for you or your partner
- Good option for men with limited dexterity
- Because it stays firm when not erect, it may be more difficult to conceal underneath clothing