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Frequently asked questions

Can I have an orgasm and ejaculate with a penile implant?

You should be able to have an orgasm and ejaculate with a penile implant if you were able to ejaculate and orgasm before the implant. Consult your physician about your expected outcome.

If you had sensation in your penis before receiving the implant, you should have similar sensation in your penis after the implant. The implant and associated surgery is not supposed to change your penile sensation since the surgery usually does not have any negative effects on the nerves in the head of the penis. If you are considering moving forward with penile implant surgery, it is important to find a urologist that has adequate training in men’s sexual health and penile implant procedures to further discuss the risks and benefits.

Everyone is different and recovery time varies, but typically it’s between 4-6 weeks until you can resume sexual activity.30 Your physician will determine what you can and can’t do during this time. It is important to follow all recommendations from your physician for the best outcome.

Each penile implant is custom fit to your anatomy. Like any body part that goes unused for a long time, the muscles and fibres of that body part may begin to breakdown. If it has been a long time since you’ve achieved a good erection, you may experience some atrophy and perceived penile shortening. Discuss this in greater detail with your physician.

The Titan® implant is placed entirely inside your body and is not visibly noticeable. The penis appears relaxed and normal when in the flaccid state, and it is not obvious when looking at a man that he has an implant. The Genesis® malleable implant stays firm when not in the erect position, and it may ‘bulge’ slightly through clothing.

Studies show that estimated overall device survival rates are: 87.2% at 5 years, 76.8% at 10 years, and 63.7% at 15 years.

Both the Titan® and the Genesis® implants give you the ability to have an erection instantly and spontaneously, any time you want one. However, the implant surgery makes it impossible to ever have a “latent” or natural erection that’s not dependent on the device. Therefore, you should consider carefully whether or not an implant is the right choice for you.

Both help give you the ability to have an erection satisfactory for intercourse. The main difference is that the Genesis is a flexible (malleable) implant that consists of two firm but bendable rods that are placed into the shaft of the penis (corpora cavernosa). There are no other parts to this implant. To have an erection, you simply hold the penis and move it into the desired position. When you are finished, you return the penis to its tucked down position. With the Titan implant, you inflate the cylinders by squeezing the pump located in your scrotum to achieve an erection, and deflate by pressing the release valve to return the fluid from the cylinders into the reservoir to return to flaccid state.

Most private health insurers cover the cost of a penile implant and your stay in hospital afterwards. However, policies may vary and there may be some out of pocket costs to your surgeon. Please check with your physician and health fund for more information.

Yes, the Titan penile implant is safe for standard airport security.

The Titan implant is MRI-Conditional meaning it can be scanned by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine when it is used according to MRI-Conditional specifications. After surgery you will receive a Patient Implant Card to carry at all times. This card identifies your device as MRI-Conditional and provides the specific manufacturing details of your penile implant.

After the penile implant procedure you may experience mild swelling, pain, and discomfort. Your doctor will advise on when to return to normal activities. Most men can resume strenuous physical activity and sexual activity about 4-6 weeks after the procedure. Sexual activity should not be resumed until approved by your treating practitioner.

As risks for penile implant surgery vary depending on the individual, please speak to your physician about this in more detail.