Professional area Clinical Summaries Comparison of AMS 700 CX and Coloplast Titan Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Cylinders Subjected to In-Vitro Cyclic Buckling Intraluminal Device Pressures in 3-Piece Inflatable Penile Prosthesis: The ‘Pathophysiology’ of Mechanical Malfunction Anti-Infection Dip Suggestions for the Coloplast Titan® Inflatable Penile Prosthesis in the Era of the Infection Retardant Coated Implant Investigation of the Micro-organisms Involved in Penile Prosthesis Infection Local anaesthesia eluting property of Coloplast Titan® penile prosthesis hydrophilic coating Longitudinal and Horizontal Load Testing of Inflatable Penile Implant Cylinders of Two Manufacturers: An Ex Vivo Demonstration of Inflated Rigidity Long-Term Revision Rate due to Infection in Hydrophilic-Coated Inflatable Penile Prostheses: 11-Year Follow The Hydrophilic-Coated Inflatable Penile Prosthesis: 1-Year Experience