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Causes of ED

Erections may not occur as expected and erectile dysfunction may occur due to one of several medical conditions that decrease blood supply and nerve function.

If a medical condition is the cause of erectile dysfunction, it means there are treatment options. For more than 80% of men with ED, it is caused by a physical problem or disorder.6

The cause can usually be identified, and proper treatment can help you and your partner return to a satisfying sex life.


of the time ED is caused by a physical problem or disorder

Physical causes include:


Learn more about the link between ED and the following:

ED is common among patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and can be an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease. With coronary artery disease, a buildup of plaque inside the arteries can limit the amount of blood that’s able to flow through them. Because the arteries that supply blood to the penis are much smaller than the ones that feed the heart, the problem may show up earlier as having difficulty getting an erection.

What it means for you

If you are experiencing ED, you should talk with your doctor about your potential risk for cardiovascular disease. And if you’re already taking certain medications such as nitrites for your heart or alpha-blockers to manage blood pressure, your doctor will discuss whether ED medications are right for you or whether other options may be more appropriate.

In one study that followed men for an average of six years, those with ED were:

Diabetes can cause nerve, blood vessel, and muscle damage 10 that results in problems like pain, numbing or loss of sensation in the hands and feet. These issues can also result in ED problems because nerve signals and blood flow are necessary to the process of getting an erection.

What it means for you

If you are a diabetic and experiencing ED, talk with your doctor or diabetic educator about the treatment options that may be best for you.

Most cases of ED can be treated, and oral medications are often the first step. However, they have been shown to be less effective for men with diabetes, and more advanced treatment options may be needed.

Peyronie’s disease is a condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops inside the penis.

The scar tissue can change the shape of the erect penis, causing curved erections. This can cause discomfort and make sexual intercourse difficult. Many men with Peyronie’s disease also experience ED.

The cause of Peyronie’s disease isn’t entirely known. It is believed that repeated injury to the penis causes scar tissue to form. The injuries may be small, unrecognized events that occur during sexual intercourse, athletic activity, or from a more obvious trauma. Risk factors can include age, family history of Peyronie’s disease, trauma, and diabetes.

What it means for you

The Titan® penile implant is a treatment method for patients experiencing erectile dysfunction in the presence of Peyronie’s disease. During the procedure to place the penile implant, the physician may choose to perform a straightening technique called manual modelling. 

Manual modeling is used to straighten the penis and correct the deformity caused by Peyronie’s disease.

The Titan implant is the only penile implant FDA approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the presence of Peyronie’s disease.


Prostate cancer itself will not cause ED, but treatment options, like radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy, may affect your erections by impacting nerves or blood flow.

Even though prostate removal is considered the gold standard of care for prostate cancer, 1 in 5 men are unhappy with their functional results likely due to sexual dysfunction. As a prostate cancer survivor, you may have ED as a result of your treatment. You don’t have to live with these side effects and deserve to have your erectile function restored.

Radical prostatectomy During prostate surgery or prostate removal, the nerve bundles may be damaged.

Radiation therapy Over time, the radiation therapy may damage blood vessels to the penis, preventing blood flow.

What it means for you?

Speak with your physician about the right ED treatment options for you following prostate cancer treatments.