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Understand ED
Erectile Dysfunction : It’s common and it’s treatable.
If you are dealing with E.D, you’re not alone: nearly one in every four men over 65
will experience some degree of ED.
Younger men often struggle with E.D. as well.
There is a lot to learn so let’s get started.
About ED
Why do we have erections?
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
What are the causes of Erectile Dysfunction?
Other causes
ED and diabetes - What is the link?
Erectile Dysfunction and cardiovascular disease - What is the link?
Stoma and erectile problems
Can Peyronie’s Disease Lead to Erectile Dysfunction?
Can Spinal Cord Injuries Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
The treatment of prostate cancer and ED
Treatment Options
Find a Solution
Erectile Dysfunction : There are many different treatments available, including pills, injections and vacuums pumps.
A highly effective and satisfying option is a penile implant.
It is a surgery, and your doctor may recommend less invasive options first. There’s a lot of solutions to overcome ED and many options to consider.
Treatment Options
ED Treatment options
4 natural ways to cure ED?
How does a Penile Pump device work?
Which treatment is right for you?
Penile Implant - how does it work
Focus on the Inflatable Penile Implant
Focus on the Flexible Penile Implant
Living better
Living better
We understand. "When I was struggling with treating my E.D., I wasn't myself.
No just because my body wasn't working. It was like my whole mood shifted.
I couldn't even kiss my wife because I was afraid of what woud-or wouldn't-happen next... But I found a solution that works, and I'm here to tell you. You can, too."
Healthy habits to treat ED
Diabetes, how to prevent ED
Stress management and erection
Support a partner with ED
Connect with your partner: alternative ways
Talk about ED with a psychosexual counsellor
Many men feel embarrassed, think that erection dysfunction is just a normal part of aging or believe they can cope with it on their own. Whatever the reason, it’s just not an easy topic for men to talk about with their friends, spouse or physician. These interviews are meant to provide answer to all your questions from experts opinion to men’s experiences who had overcame ED.
Men stories
Listen to Guy's story
Listen to Richard's story
Andy & Sue: from a couple perspective
Support a partner with ED
Can erectile dysfunction be restored ?
How does inflatable penile prothesis work ?
Expert opinion
Talk about ED with a psychosexual counsellor
Diabetes, how to prevent ED?
Find a Consultant
Understand ED
About ED
Other causes
Find a solution
Treatment Options
Living better
Find a doctor
Get in touch
Dr Janine David General Practitioner
Diabetes, How to prevent Erectile Dysfunction? – FAQ
Men over age 65 experience some degree of erectile dysfunction (ED).1And men with diabetes experience ...
Dr Janine David & Ms. Angela Gregory
Lifestyle Tips & Healthy habits to treat Erectile Dysfunction
Have you thought about examining your lifestyle and adopting a new and healthier routine? Get ...
ED Solutions
How to support a Partner with ED
As a partner, we can sometimes feel as though we are responsible for the wellbeing ...
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